A Walk Through Time DVD

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A Walk Through Time DVD


A Walk Through Time DVD set is the result of nearly 60 years of ministry and a lot of research study by Dr. Hiltibidal.  He has been blessed with his association with the Creation Evidence Museum of Glen Rose Texas for over 40 years.  Today he is the Executive Vice President of this worldwide ministry. Through this, he has been blessed to gain insight and information the greater part of Christianity could never access.

This six-session teaching will take those that watch on a journey from eternity past into, eternity future.  The road we will travel will reveal God’s Redemption Plan that was set in motion as time began and will culminate when time ends.

Our journey will consist of blending the Bible and Science, archeological discoveries, Rabbinical writings, historical documentations, and prophecy both fulfilled and future.

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1. The week of Creation.

2. The pre-flood world to the ark of Noah.

3. After the flood to Abraham (mysteries of Babel).

4. From Abraham to the birth of Jesus.

5. A walk through the Church Age.

6. A walk through the book of Revelation.